Monday, December 23, 2019

The Life And Works Of Sigmund Freud Essay - 1679 Words

The life and works of Sigmund Freud Introduction Sigmund, an Austrian national, was born in Moravia hamlet of Freiberg, Germany on May 06, 1856 and died in London, England on September23, 1939. He was born in the era of â€Å"logic and reason† (Love and the formations of family) when sciences was all that mattered and rational analysis was perceived as being the answer to all â€Å"mysteries† (Love and the formation of family). At the age of three his family relocated to Austria where he lived until the last year of his life (World of health, 2007). He was admitted into the medical school at the age of 17 where he conducted a lot of research works. Even though his major interest was in researches on physiology, he was made to conduct some clinical practice because of the â€Å"difficulty of obtaining a university appointment—aggravated, in his case, by anti-Semitic attitudes and policies.† (Lerner et al, 2006) Freud conducted a lot of independent research and clinical work† and had his own practi ce where his area of specialty was treating patients with neurological and hysterical conditions (Lerner et al 2006). Freud’s mentor and colleague, Josef Breuer, once had a cathartic treatment of â€Å"hysterical symptoms,† a condition that was observed to vanish when a patient reminiscences a traumatic incident when under hypnosis and was able to demonstrate the initial response that he had â€Å"repressed and forgotten.† Freud spent several months in France experimenting on this idea by studyingShow MoreRelatedEssay on Sigmund Freud: His Life And His Work2990 Words   |  12 Pages Sigmund Freud was born on May 6th 1856 in Freiberg, Moravia, which is now in Czech Republic. He is the eldest of eight children born to Jacob and Amalie Freud. Because of the anti-semetic riots who were ragging in Freiberg , Freud’s father, who was a wool merchant, lost his business and the whole family had to move to Leipzig (1859) and shortly after to Vienna where Freud s pend most of his life. 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